Explorer Trio | Whiskey | Chaga | Rum

Explorer Trio | Whiskey | Chaga | Rum

$CAD 60.00
Product not available for online purchase
Length - 21cm
Height - 31.5cm
Width - 7.5cm
Weight - 3.22kg

Explore our infusions from the Maritimes!

  1. Organic maple syrup infused with Acadian Whiskey from the Fils du Roy Distillery
  2. Organice maple syrup infused with Chaga from Appalachian Chaga

  3. Organic maple syrup infused with 5 Fathom Rum from the Barrelling Tide Distillery

Rum and Whiskey contains less than 0.5% alc./vol

Chaga contains approximately 0.25% lake. /vol

500 ml, 16.9 oz li. per bottle